Usually we all know, composite molding process is mixed with glue-dipping-preform-cure-the process of traction and so on. 通常我们都知道,复合材料成型过程为拌胶-浸胶-预成型-固化-牵引等过程。
Multilayer Micro-strip Antenna Composite Molding PREPARATION OF b-ORIENTED MFI ZEOLITE FILMS BY MICROWAVE HEATING 多层微带天线复合成型工艺技术研究微波合成b轴取向MFI型分子筛膜
Research in composite RTM molding process parameters 复合材料RTM成型工艺参数的研究
The Topology Optimization of Permeability in Liquid Composite Molding; HMB Duct Nets 'Dynamic Characteristic Simulation Based on Typical Flow-resistance 液态复合材料模塑成型工艺的渗透率拓扑优化基于典型流道液阻的集成块线网动态特性仿真
Research on Flax Thermoplastic Composite Molding Technology and Its Performance 亚麻热塑性增强复合材料成型工艺及性能研究
The Influence Analysis of Holes in Foam of Composite Materials for Resin Molding 复合材料夹芯泡沫开孔对树脂充模的影响分析
Compared to traditional Carbon Fiber Composite molding process, molding cycle is shorter by60~ 80%. 与传统碳纤维制程比较,成型时间可减少60-80%。
The Application of Multiscale Finite Element Method in Liquid Composite Molding Simulations 多尺度有限元法在复合材料液态成型模拟中的应用
Effect of GF/ PET friction spun core yarn structure on the impregnating degree of its composite by hot press molding 玻璃纤维/聚酯纤维摩擦纺包芯纱结构对其热压复合材料浸渍效果的影响
The test proved that the composite bearing molding process had such advantages as high productive efficiency, low cost and good quality stability. 试验验证,复合材料轴承成型工艺有生产效率高、成本低和质量稳定等一系列优点。
This technique keeps the advantages of the traditional techniques, needs little money for equipment alteration and is specially suitable for the composite material liquid molding with high viscosity resin. 该项技术继承原有的工艺方法的优点,且设备改造投资少,特别适用于高粘度树脂的复合材料液体注射成型。
The present status and developing tread of wood and plastic composite molding technology and equipment 木塑复合材料成型技术装备的研究现状和发展方向
The toughness and mechanical properties of the resultant composite filament from injection molding machine are improved so as to be used for FDM ( Fused Deposition Manufacturing) process. 本实验通过适量加入增韧剂和增容剂,较大提高了挤出的复合材料丝的韧性及力学性能,从而使制备出的短切玻璃纤维增强复合材料适用于熔融沉积制造(FDM)工艺。
This article gives a synopsis of principal process parameters and some "know-how" of composite material molding technology. 简述了复合材料模压制品主要工艺参数和某些行之有效的工艺“诀窍”。
The fabrication technology of fiber preforms for liquid composite molding ( LCM) is an important aspect on cost-effective composites. 纤维预成型技术是复合材料液体模塑工艺(LCM)低成本化中的重要方面。
The theory and simulation techniques established in the paper is not only instructive for the low cost composite molding technology, but also is significant for the intersect development of material science and mechanics. 本文的研究及其所建立的理论模型和模拟技术,不仅对RFI这种高性能复合材料的低成本成型技术具有理论指导价值,而且对学科发展特别是对材料学与力学的交叉发展具有重要意义。
Processability of unsaturated resins for liquid composite molding 液体模塑用不饱和聚酯树脂的工艺性能研究
The maximum tensile strength of composite by dynamic injection molding is increased by 11.1%, and the maximum impact strength is increased by 11.4%, compared with those of composite by steady injection molding. 与稳态注射成型的复合材料相比,动态注射成型复合材料的拉伸强度最大可提高11.1%,冲击强度最大可提高11.4%。
In this paper mechanical behaviors of jute fiber reinforced polypropylene composite prepared by injection molding are studied. 本文讨论了注塑成型黄麻纤维增强聚丙烯的制备方法和力学性能。
This paper introduces weaving reinforcement liquid composite molding technology and choice of raw materials and analyses systematically the composites interface. 本文介绍了编织增强体液体成型技术、原材料的选择,并对其成型的复合材料界面作了较系统的分析。
The liquid composite molding process is an advanced process for manufacturing composites with high performance and low cost., The dry fibrous reinforcements are wetted with the reactive resin in this process. 复合材料液体模塑成型技术(LCM)是一种高性能低成本先进复合材料制造技术,成型过程中干的纤维增强材料被反应性树脂浸渍。
New Process of Composite Molding-Thermal Expansion Molding 复合材料成型新工艺&热胀成型法
Research on Rheology Regularity of Epoxy Resin During Composite Press Molding Process 复合材料热压成型过程环氧树脂流变特性研究
Advanced Composite Molding Technique of Ripple-Girder 先进复合材料构件波纹梁的成型工艺
Thermogravimetric analysis suggested that the preferential adsorption of ethanol as solvent from solution resulted in inhomogeneous distribution of phenolics resin in 1D liquid composite molding model. 热失重分析表明作为溶剂的乙醇被优先吸附导致树脂在一维复合材料液体成型工艺模型内部不同位置分布不均。
Therefore, it is one of hot subjects in the field of composite research presently that the simulation, quality evaluation and parameter optimization of liquid composite molding process. 因此,开展复合材料液态成型工艺过程的模拟、质量评估和参数优化,是目前国际复合材料研究领域的热点之一。
Liquid composite molding ( LCM) process is a cost-effective fabrication technique appearing recently. Numeralization and information of composite structures manufacture are effective approach to improve the quality of produce and reduce cost. 复合材料液态模塑成型技术(LCM)是一种近年来出现的先进复合材料低成本制造技术,复合材料构件的数字化和信息化生产,是提高产品质量、降低研发成本的有效途径。
By means of compound preparation into composite molding fuel, the mixture of coal and sludge can achieve the balance of energy supply in the combustion process, and can simultaneously accelerate the drying of sludge in the mixture. 80%左右的含水率是污泥燃烧利用的主要障碍,通过将煤和污泥复合成型制备成复合燃料,可以实现燃烧过程的能量供给平衡,同时可加速复合燃料中污泥含水的干化速率。
Carbon fiber composite materials in aerospace have won extensive application. With advanced composite materials and molding technology development, carbon fiber composite materials also begin to emerge in automobile, manufacturing, construction, shipbuilding and other civil industries. 碳纤维复合材料已经在航空航天领域获得了广泛应用,随着现代先进复合材料以及成型技术的发展,碳纤维复合材料在汽车、制造、建筑、船舶等民用工业领域也开始崭露头角。